Borneo is burning again and again, but why?

For over a month, forest and land fires have been burning in Central Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo. These fires have been an annual occurrence during Borneo’s dry season for over 20 years. Many of you may ask “Why are these fires burning every year?” The tropical peatlands of southern Borneo form one of the largest expanses […]

An orangutan tries to make a selfie with camera trap!

Written by Adul (Camera trap project coordinator), Azis (Orangutan project coordinator), and Sophie Kirklin (Primate scientist) Our camera traps catch all kinds of photos and videos of the amazing animals that call the Sebangau National Park home. The camera traps are camouflaged in the forest, but don’t always go unnoticed! Recently we found one camera […]

New baby gibbon in Group C!

Written by Jack Poole (BNF’s Intern) September 28th 2017 It was early. The clouds were low as if a coastal mist had settled in above our heads. It felt pleasantly cool and needless to say, it felt mystic, particularly serene in camp and the surrounding rainforest this morning. I greeted Adul (a master of […]

Using Dayak knowledge to understand the traditional uses of plants on Borneo

Written by Siddharth Badri (Independent Researcher) It has been exactly a month since I arrived in Indonesia to start my yearlong ethnobotanical research (the study of plants and their practical uses through the traditional knowledge of local culture and people) on the Dayak community living in Kereng Bangkirai near the Sebangau National Park. I feel […]

Hello from the Sebangau National Park forest!

Hello! Isabella and Louise here; two volunteers in the second group at the BNF Sebangau National Park camp. We are now over half way through our volunteering experience and over the last few weeks we have conducted gibbon triangulation surveys, measured the growth of trees in different plot sites, and surveyed the butterfly and dragonfly […]

Rainforest Live: Bringing wildlife sightings to you

On 8 June, BNF was joined by 24 other conservation organisations for Rainforest: Live 2017. We were live on social media from rainforests around the world for the whole day. People experienced the wonders of the tropical rainforest without leaving the comfort of their homes. Incredibly, our hashtag #RainforestLive was viewed over 2.4 million times […]

Chilli and friends (Part 6 – End)

Written by Azis K (Gibbon Project Coordinator) and Cara Wilcox(BNF’s Primate Scientist) Every day I try to find new friends to play with in the forest, but from my experience, I have found it difficult to meet friends that are good to play with. However, this has helped me to learn a lot about the […]

Building dams to stop fires in the Sebangau National Park

Written by Desi Natalia (BNF’s Communications Officer) At the beginning of the year, BNF received a grant from the Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF) to expand our work for land-based mitigation through canal blocking, seedling nursery, reforestation and support of local patrol and fire-fighting teams. We are focusing our efforts to reduce deforestation and […]

NEW POPULATION DISCOVERIES: To reveal or not to reveal?

Written by Mark E. Harrison (BNF’s Co-Director)   Borneo Nature Foundation aims to support conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems in Kalimantan. In line with this, an important component of our research is conducting surveys to assess the presence and abundance of flora and fauna species in forest areas. This is particularly important for species that […]

Chilli and Friends (Part 5)

Written by Azis K. (Gibbon project coordinator) and Cara Wilcox (BNF’s primate scientist) One day, when I was traveling with my family in our area of the forest, my dad was eating and my mum and I were searching for food up ahead. I saw something that I had never seen before; with two legs, […]