Menjalankan Konservasi Taman Nasional Sebangau Bersama Masyarakat

Taman Nasional Sebangau (TNS) merupakan salah satu kawasan konservasi dengan hutan rawa gambut tropika tersisa dan penting di Kalimantan, bahkan dunia. Keberadaan kawasan seluas ± 537.451 hektar ini mampu mempengaruhi fungsi ekologis-hidrologis di sekitarnya. Kawasan Gambut Sebangau merupakan penyangga bagi tiga daerah aliran sungai (DAS) besar di provinsi Kalimantan Tengah, yaitu Sungai Katingan, Sungai Kahayan, […]
One Pleasant Day in Sebangau National Park Peat-swamp Forest

Last December, our BNF education volunteers got an opportunity to visit Camp Natural Laboratory of Peat-swamp Forest (LAHG), a special zone within Sebangau National Park. A total of 7 volunteers joined that day. Some of them had already visited this area before, while for others, it was their first time so they were very excited. […]
Hydrological Monitoring for Protecting Peatlands

Natural Laboratory of Peat-swamp Forest (LAHG) area, a special zone within the Sebangau National Park, is a peatland that is particularly prone to fire. Land and forest fires are one of the most prolific disasters affecting peatlands, due to drying of the peat soil. Therefore peatland re-wetting programs have been initiated by institutions located in […]
Building dams to stop fires in the Sebangau National Park

Written by Desi Natalia (BNF’s Communications Officer) At the beginning of the year, BNF received a grant from the Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF) to expand our work for land-based mitigation through canal blocking, seedling nursery, reforestation and support of local patrol and fire-fighting teams. We are focusing our efforts to reduce deforestation and […]
Protecting peatlands in Borneo: A Dayak woman’s story

Written by Desi Natalia (BNF’s Communications Officer) This year we will expand the scope of our work in and nearby the Sabangau Forest, home to the world’s largest population of Bornean orangutans, thanks to the support of the Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF). This work will be led by our Conservation Programme in collaboration with NGO’s […]