Culture exchange through letters

Written by Petricia Andini Hutasoit (BNF’s Education staff) Happy New Year everyone! 2017 was a great year for the Education Programme and 2018 is looking like it will be awesome. New year, new hope, new activities for the Education Programme, especially Anak Sebangau (meaning ‘Children of the Sebangau Forest’). Anak Sabangau is starting out their activities […]
Endless reasons to protect orangutans

Written by Sophie Kirklin (BNF’s Orangutan Scientist) In orangutan caring week, we remind ourselves why we care about our orange relatives and why it is so important that we do! To us at BNF, it seems like there are endless reasons, but here are a few of the top of our heads: Conservation – To […]
Experience the nature, back to nature

Written by Petricia Andini Hutasoit Anak Sabangau (or ‘Children of Sabangau’) is an education programme of Borneo Nature Foundation based in the village of Kereng Bangkirai next to the Sabangau Forest. The children who join Anak Sabangau take part in our environmental education sessions every week, which follow different themes each month (like orangutans, recycling, […]
New baby gibbon in Group C!

Written by Jack Poole (BNF’s Intern) September 28th 2017 It was early. The clouds were low as if a coastal mist had settled in above our heads. It felt pleasantly cool and needless to say, it felt mystic, particularly serene in camp and the surrounding rainforest this morning. I greeted Adul (a master of […]
Using Dayak knowledge to understand the traditional uses of plants on Borneo

Written by Siddharth Badri (Independent Researcher) It has been exactly a month since I arrived in Indonesia to start my yearlong ethnobotanical research (the study of plants and their practical uses through the traditional knowledge of local culture and people) on the Dayak community living in Kereng Bangkirai near the Sebangau National Park. I feel […]
Hello from the Sebangau National Park forest!

Hello! Isabella and Louise here; two volunteers in the second group at the BNF Sebangau National Park camp. We are now over half way through our volunteering experience and over the last few weeks we have conducted gibbon triangulation surveys, measured the growth of trees in different plot sites, and surveyed the butterfly and dragonfly […]
Feb (wild female orangutan) is Pregnant!

Written by Azis (Orangutan Project Coordinator) When I followed Feb, a wild adult female orangutan in the Sabangau Forest, I saw very different behaviour than normal. I could also see that her belly was very big! Normally Feb is more active, whereas this time she was slow and resting a lot. So I had the […]
Orangutan’s family tree!

Written by Sophie Kirklin (BNF’s Primate Scientist) Cleo: Where it all started. Cleo was the first orangutan resident to be followed by the OuTrop team, back in 2003. Since then, her family has grown! On the project today, the community of orangutans who we follow, and come to know very well, is bigger, and still […]
Hear volunteer’s testimony from Rungan Forest- Borneo!

The volunteers from Exeter Univerity (UK) spent a month in Rungan Forest- Borneo Indonesia without any internet or mobile connection. They joined our scientific expedition to learn about the Rungan Forest and to understand the species richness and biodiversity there. Here are their testimonies from the beginning of their trip: Katherine – This is the […]
Hello from Rungan Forest – Borneo!

Hello, I’m Catherine, a Zoology student from the University of Exeter (UK) and Borneo Nature Foundation volunteer. I have just come back from an expedition with 8 other Exeter students, in the Rungan Forest; one of BNF’s main field sites. I have been in Indonesia for about one month and I am in love with […]