Rungan Community Development

After 20 years of experience in research, conservation and community empowerment in the Sebangau Landscape, BNF is now developing community empowerment programs in the Rungan Landscape. The goal is to protect natural resources from degradation and deforestation, while at the same time encouraging people to access the forests, and improve sustainable livelihoods so that economic […]
Sebangau Community Development

BNF’s peat-swamp forest protection program aims to empower community groups around the Sebangau National Park area to actively participate in reforestation activities, through Community Seedling Nurseries. The aim of this program is to support an increase in the number of seedlings planted in Sebangau National Park, increase the community’s understanding of conservation, and increase real […]

With 20 years of experience carrying out research, conservation and community empowerment in the Sebangau area, BNF has taken the initiative to develop wildlife observation ecotourism in Sebangau National Park landscape. The aim of developing ecotourism is to raise awareness of the importance of biodiversity in Sebangau National Park and other landscape in Central Borneo […]
Social Forestry

Social forestry is a sustainable forest management system used in state forest areas or private/customary forests. It is implemented by local communities to improve their welfare, maintain environmental balance, as well as maintain local socio-cultural dynamics. The social forestry program provides opportunities for local community members to apply for forest area management rights. Once approved […]