Conservation class is one of project in Education program of Borneo Nature Foundation (BNF) with 10 environmental modules, there are peat swamp forest, biodiversity, primate, threats of the forest and environment, also solution of the threats. Conservation class is given to elementary and junior high school in Palangka Raya.
On the last module, Education team bring the students to the peat swamp forest in Central Kalimantan, It is a chance for the students to see, to feel and to get experiences that they got from all the modules. In implementation of conservation class, the school has to commitment to do the 10 modules and the teacher get involve in the process. However, the pandemic made us to do teaching and learning process with online to prevent covid-19 spread, we started it in the beginning of 2021
The BNF Education Team slightly changed the method of conservation classes with modules that were made more visual and combined several materials into one session. This online conservation class is offered not only to schools in Palangka Raya, but also outside Palangka Raya, even outside Indonesia. The aim is to introduce peat swamp forests, biodiversity, threats to forests and the environment, and how as students can support environmental conservation.
Kinderstation Primary School
The elementary school located in the city of Yogyakarta asked the BNF Education Team to be a guest speaker to deliver material about nature for students in grades I to VI for three days online On February, so we took the first opportunity to run online conservation class with Kinderstation Primary School Yogyakarta.
The BNF Education Team prepares and compiles materials that are adjusted to the grade level. Class I and II received material about peat swamp forests and the animals that live in it with some fun facts about animals, such as orangutans and gibbons. Class III and IV received material about peat swamp forest and the fun facts , flora and fauna that live in it, and the important role of fauna in the forest. Meanwhile, class V and VI received material about peat swamp forest and the dangers of peat forest fires for the environment.
Even though we only met on screen, the children were enthusiastic about the material given, as seen from the many questions asked during the question and answer session, some of which were: How long can orangutan lives? Is there water in the pitcher plant? Why do peat swamp forests burn? Why are canals opened and blocked?
The BNF Education Team explained according to the information held by BNF. The teachers who accompany the students are very cooperative in conducting online conservation classes. In the last session, BNF expressed its gratitude for the activities that had been carried out well and smoothly and also open the opportunity to work together again in the future.
Golden Christian School Palangka Raya
The BNF Education Team again held an online conservation class in May 2021. This time to Golden Christian School Palangka Raya. This class was attended by 36 students of fourth grade with the chosen theme ‘Adventures as a Wildlife Researcher in Central Kalimantan’. This activity was guided by two Education Teams along with two BNF researchers as the main speakers, by using the Kahoot application in delivering the material. Kahoot is a digital application tool with a question format and answer choices. Students are asked to choose an answer within 30 seconds, then the correct answer will come out and explained by the researcher. The use of this application makes the class run fun and interactive.
Activities went smoothly. The high enthusiasm of students and positive support from the principal and teachers who accompanied them until the class was over, very hellpull during teaching and learning activities in the session. In the final session, Mrs. Putu Rusmiati Dewi as the Principal of the Golden Christian School asked to be able to work together again in the future, either in similar activities or activities related to other environments.
Seeing from the implementation and acceptance of the two previous schools which were quite good, the BNF Education Team are opening opportunities for schools who want to know and bring peat swamp forests to online classes through “conservation class” as the first step in caring for the environment.
Written by Petricia A. Hutasoit and Abdul Khafidz, BNF Education Staff