The City Government (Pemkot) of Palangka Raya together with the City Resort Police (Polresta) of Palangka Raya, Borneo Nature Foundation (BNF) Indonesia and PO. Logos held a first stage of Covid-19 vaccination at the PO Office yard. Logos Palangka Raya City, Tuesday (24/08/2021), 1,050 doses of Sinovac Vaccine have been distributed to the citizens of Palangka Raya City who had not yet received the first vaccine dose.
This initiative was taken in order to stop the Covid-19 virus from quickly spreading in Palangka Raya City. According to the official website, until July 20, 2021 for confirmation cases there were an addition of 348 people from the original 30,463 people to 30,811 people in Central Kalimantan Province. In the city of Palangka Raya alone experienced a spike of 111 people.
on the 20th of July, new confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Central Kalimantan Province reached a peak of 348 in one day (with 111 people confirmed positive for Palangka Raya alone), with a total number of 30,811 confirmed cases in this Province since the beginning of the pandemic.
Fairid Naparin, the Mayor of Palangka Raya, declared that in addition to the Palangka Raya City Government, it is also important to actively involve the private sector in the common efforts to break the chain of Covid-19 spread.
“Today, The Palangka Raya City Government together with the private sector are holding a mass vaccination campaign for 1,050 residents of Palangka Raya City. The vaccine has been prepared by the City Hospital, Bukit Hindu Health Center, Panarung Health Center and Menteng Health Center,” said Fairid.
The vaccination campaign involved non-government and private institutions, including the Borneo Nature Foundation (BNF) Indonesia and PO. Logos, who set up the temporary vaccination center, with personal protective equipment (masks and hand sanitizer) distributed up to 1,250 packages to the vaccination campaign participants and medical staff, as well as collation (snacks and drinks), and souvenirs. It is hoped that this collaboration will continue, to support herd immunity within the community.
The Chairman of the Indonesian Borneo Nature Foundation, Juliarta Bramansa Ottay, mentioned that his party took part in this campaign the effort the stop the Covid-19 virus from spreading needs to be a shared responsibility.
“We exist since 1999, with activities in Palangka Raya City, Central Kalimantan, and have always been present in the community. We will continue, especially in handling this pandemic,” he said.
“There are still many people in Palangka Raya City who did not get the opportunity to have this phase 1 vaccine before this campaign, therefore it is hoped that this will now provide opportunities for them”.
By: Yohanes Prahara, Content Creator and Media Liaison