BNF Indonesia started 2024 with a bang by holding our BNF Annual Meeting and Gathering (AMG) in Palangka Raya on January 23–26, 2024. This year’s theme was ‘Navigating a Year of Growth’. The AMG aims to evaluate the previous year’s achievements and develop work plans for 2024.
The event began with the Balian Dadas dance, a traditional Dayak dance performed by BNF Indonesia staff. There were over 100 attendees at this year’s AMG, including the Board of Directors, trustees, supervisors, foundation managers, and the Board of Directors. Also in attendance were several representatives from the BNF International team.

The Chairman of the Yayasan Borneo Nature Indonesia, Juliarta Bramansa Ottay, expressed his appreciation for the hard work of BNF’s teams during 2023. He then introduced Anton Nurcahyo as the new CEO of BNF Indonesia.
“We hope that this new leadership will bring fresh ideas and long-standing new developments. Anton Nurcahyo’s inauguration also provides encouragement for stronger achievements in the coming year, with lasting impact,” said Juliarta.
As the new CEO, Anton Nurcahyo, conveyed his vision for BNF and life more broadly, striving towards greater harmony with nature. In his speech, he also shared hope that, by pooling our strength, talents and enthusiasm, we can make BNF better.
“What is meant by better is the quality of our workmanship and the quality of what we produce,” he said.

Anton, as he is familiarly known, holds a Ph.D. degree from the Australian National University in the field of Biological Anthropology. With its lush rainforests and unique character, Anton has come to regard Central Kalimantan in Indonesian Borneo as his second home. This is one of the reasons that he accepted the position of CEO at BNF Indonesia, whose office is based in Palangka Raya, the provincial capital of Central Kalimantan.
Joining as a member of the IUCN Species Survival Commission, Great Ape Section Committee and the International Primatological Society, Anton was also motivated by over two decades of experience and expertise in the field of conservation, particularly concerning Asia’s primates.

During the AMG, BNF Indonesia also presented awards to two members of staff who demonstrated particular excellence in their work over the past year. It is hoped that this will continue to motivate strong performances from all staff in supporting BNF’s mission and vision. In addition, the excitement of this year’s AMG was compounded by inter-divisional shouting competitions, talent shows by staff, and prize draws of precious metals.

The 2024 BNF Annual Meeting and Gathering is not only an evaluation and planning event, but also a time to affirm the spirit of togetherness and collaboration between BNF Indonesia and BNF International. With the presence of a new CEO, BNF Indonesia is optimistic that this year will be a year of growth and enacting positive change to protect the environment in Central Kalimantan.
Written by Verawati, Public Relations/BNF Indonesia